Animal Control
Animal Control is responsible for enforcing city ordinances regarding stray, dangerous, nuisance and unwanted domestic animals; investigates complaints; patrols assigned areas; captures animals; performs other duties related to humane animal protection and control.
All domesticated animals inside the city limits of Slaton must be in a fenced area or restrained on a leash at all times. Failure to keep domesticated animals restrained can result in impounding of the animals, citations, and/or fees. The City of Slaton does enforce Texas rabies vaccination requirements.
To report Loose Animals please call 806-828-2020 #2 between Slaton Animal Shelter office hours. Please check the Slaton Animal Shelter Facebook page for a lost pet. Animals captured by Slaton Animal Control will be held in the Slaton Animal Shelter for at least three days. After the third day, Slaton Animal Control will attempt to rehome the animal.
To find the City of Slaton ordinances and fee schedule visit
Wayne Cogburn
175 N 8th St
Slaton, TX 79364
100 E. Dickens
Slaton, TX 79364
Ph: (806) 828-2020 #2
Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday
8:00 am – 5:00 pm
8:00 am – 3:00 pm
8:00 am – 4:00 pm