Police Department

Police Report – Incident and Offense

To request a copy of a report or other police record, you may fill out the form below, follow the link to an Open Records Request, or write a written request to our records department at pdrecords@cityofslaton.com. You must provide the date, location, and person(s) involved in the request.  Please do not contact the department by phone with your requests; only written requests will be accepted.  You may also visit the police department to complete an Open Records Request.   You must fill out an Open Records Request or submit a written request and allow 10 business days to complete your request.

Where can I pick up a copy of a police report?
Copies of police reports can be obtained Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 3:00 pm at:
Slaton Police Department
175 N. 8th St.
Slaton, TX 79364

What is the cost for a police report?
Incident and Offense reports are available for $0.10 per page.  Cash only.

Are police reports available over the Internet?
Incident and Offense reports are not available over the Internet at this time.


Ross Hester
Chief of Police

175 N. 8th
Slaton, TX 79364

Ph: (806) 828-2020
Fx: (806) 828-2023

Monday – Friday
8:00 am – 3:00 pm

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