Election 2020- May 2, 2020 *Postponed to November 3, 2020


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  • 59 Download
  • 532.89 KB File Size
  • 9 File Count
  • December 13, 2019 Create Date
  • December 19, 2022 Last Updated
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Notice of Postponement of May 2, 2020 General Election.pdfDownload 
Resolution 041320 Postponing Election.pdfDownload 
IMG_20200311_0009 2020 Exhibit B Vote Center locations.pdfDownload 
IMG_20200311_0007 2020 Exhibit A Early Voting Locations.pdfDownload 
IMG_20200311_0004 2020 Election Sample Ballot.pdfDownload 
1582756067wpdm_Drawing for place on ballot 2020.pdfDownload 
Notice of Election 2020.pdfDownload 
Order of Election 2020.pdfDownload 
1576251205wpdm_Election 2020 Notice of Deadline to file application.pdfDownload 

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