Utility Administration

The Utility Administration Department is responsible for the following:

More Information
If you have questions or for more information, please view our FAQs or contact the Utility Administration Department at (806) 828-2000.



Jimmie Patterson, Supervisor

130 S. 9th St.
Slaton, TX 79364

Ph: (806) 828-2000
Fx: (806) 828-2002

Lobby Hours
Monday – Friday
8:00 am – 4:00 pm

Drive-up Hours
Monday – Thursday
7:00 am – 5:30 pm

7:30 am – 4:30 pm


Fees shall be assessed and collected on all customers as defined:


  • First 2,000 gallons—————————————————-  $25.25(minimum)
  • 2,001-10,000 gallons————————————————– $4.50 per thousand
  • 10,001 gallons- up to 15,000—————————————- $5.50 per thousand
  • 15,000 <——————————————————————- $5.75 per thousand


  •  First 2,000 gallons——————————————————  $27.50(minimum)

Water Taps

  • Standard Residential 3/4 inch (includes labor and meter) ——– $1,250.00
  • 1 inch tap————————————————————————-$1,500.00
  • 2 inch or larger  (Labor Charge)——————————————- $500.00 + (Meter and Materials)

Utility Deposit

For all new residential accounts shall be $150.00.  An additional $50.00 deposit shall be charged each time before any residential account, turned off for non-payment, may be turned back on.  Residential deposits may total as much as $200.00 per account.

Commercial and multi-family accounts shall be assessed an initial deposit of $200.00.  An additional deposit of $75.00 may be required if said account is turned off for non-pay.

Additional $100.00 deposit will be required if utilities have been cutoff 2 times.

Billing Period

The City is staged in two zones for billing – Zone 1, the East side of the City and Zone 2, the West side of the City.

  • The billing period for Zone 1, East side, will be from the 15th of the month to the 15th of the following month. Zone 2, West side, will be from the 30th of the month to the 30th of the following month.
  • The joint utility system charges shall be billed jointly. The bill shall show the separate charges for each service.
  • Utility bills are due and payable at the City Hall: Zone 1, East side, on or before the 30th day of each month, Zone 2, West side, on or before the 15th of each month.  All bills not paid by due dates are considered past due and will be subject to a penalty of 10% of the amount due.  Postdated checks will not be accepted in payment of utility bills.
  • Utility service to past due accounts will be cut off 10 days following notification of past due status.
  • A service fee of $20.00 will be added if the bill is not paid by 10:00 AM on the cutoff date whether or not service has been disconnected. Service may be disconnected at any time after cutoff date without further notice.
  • Reconnection fee must be paid to have services reinstated following cutoff for nonpayment. This fee will be $25.00 if reconnection is made during regular working hours and $50.00 if reconnection is made after regular working hours for the City.
  • Additional $100.00 deposit will be required if utilities have been cutoff 2 times.
  • Extension on City utility bill: A maximum of two (2) extensions per calendar year on city billing, with a maximum of 10 days past cutoff date.  No Exceptions
  • First time theft of service: The bill must be paid in full plus an extra $100.00 deposit before water service is reinstated.  No extension on this account for one (1) year.  No Exceptions. 
  • Second time theft of service: Account turned over to the Police Department and criminal charges will be filed.   

Re-read Charge

A customer may make a written demand that the meter reading for which he/she has been billed be re-read.

Should the re-reading indicate the billing reflected an over charge, the bill should be adjusted to reflect the true reading.  Should the re-reading indicate the billing was not in error (or was too low), an additional charge of $5.00 shall be charged to the corrected billing.

Reconnect Fee

  • Utility service to past due accounts will be cut off 10 days following notification of past due status.
  • A service fee of $20.00 will be added if the bill is not paid by 10:00 AM on the cutoff date whether or not service has been disconnected. Service may be disconnected at any time after cutoff date without further notice.
  • Reconnection fee must be paid to have services reinstated following cutoff for nonpayment. This fee will be $25.00 if reconnection is made during regular working hours and $50.00 if reconnection is made after regular working hours for the City.
  • Additional $100.00 deposit will be required if utilities have been cutoff 2 times.

Returned Check Charge

Personal and business checks returned by a bank or other financial institution for any reason, are subject to a penalty fee of $30.00.

Smart Water Meters

We are excited to announce the installation of new, more accurate, wireless water meters at every residential home. These advanced meters will eliminate the need for manual readings, saving the city—and therefore you, the ratepayer—over $100,000 annually.

Please note that your billing and due dates will remain unchanged. However, you may notice a slight increase in your usage due to the enhanced accuracy of these new water meters.

Additionally, while installing these meters, we are also complying with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality’s Lead Service Line Rule, which requires us to take an inventory of each residential water connection by October 2024.

For more information please visit:




Dance Permits

Dance permits shall only be issued if in compliance with City ordinances and state laws.

Applications for dance permits shall be filed with the City Secretary at least 48 hours before the dance is to begin. The dance permit fee is $10.


How do I get new service started?
You will need to come in and fill out an application. Bring your driver’s license and social security card. A $100 deposit will be required for setup.

Where can I pay my bill?
Payments may be made in the following ways:

  • In person at City Hall, or the drive-up window from 7:30 am to 5:30 pm
  • In the night depository located next to the drive-up window
  • In the mail
  • By bank draft (you must provide us with the bank information)
  • Pay on-line

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